Easy Baked Butternut Squash with Fresh Herbs

This is the perfect weeknight side dish because there is hardly any prep work involved, which allows you more time to relax with a nice glass of wine. Butternut squash just on it's own is delicious, but the fresh herbs and garlic really boost it to another level. 

Chop up the squash into relatively even sized pieces and mix with olive oil and garlic - that's it for prep! Butternut Squash has loads of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which keeps your skin and hair healthy and glowing. Visit this website if you want to learn more about the benefits of butternut squash.

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I used an amalgamation of fresh herbs from my herb garden which included parsley, basil, dill, oregano, and chives. Be generous with the herbs as well, not only are they delicious, but they offer a plethora of benefits to your physical and psychological health. Apparently herbs improve cognitive function, reduce your risk of cancer, keep your regular, act as anti-inflammatories, and contain lots of antioxidants which are crucial for maintaining your mental and physical wellbeing. Check out this website to see the full list of benefits that herbs provide.

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*serves 4 



1 medium butternut squash

1 tbsp olive oil

3 cloves garlic

3-4 tbsp fresh herbs (parsley, dill, basil, oregano, chives, etc.)

1/2 tsp salt



Preheat oven to 375°.

Peel the butternut squash, scoop the seeds out, and chop into equal-sized cubes. Put the squash pieces in a 9x9 baking dish.

Crush the garlic into the baking dish with the butternut squash, add the olive oil and mix around until the oil coats the squash.

Bake for 20 minutes, stir the squash around, and bake for another 5-10 minutes, until the squash is cooked through. Test this by poking a fork into a squash cube and if it meets minimal resistance, it's done.

While the squash is cooking, chop your fresh herbs into fine pieces and set aside.

Remove the squash from the oven and pour the chopped fresh herbs and salt into the dish. Mix until the herbs are evenly distributed and enjoy!