Seedy Multigrain Bread

Something I’ve learned about western food culture is that we typically do not eat enough whole grains. The majority is processed, and therefore grains sometimes get a bad reputation as being empty calories. Whole grains are NOT empty calories, they are full of fibre, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary for health.

This bread is packed full of 100% whole wheat flour, rolled oats, and seeds. What’s great is that this bread contains both insoluble and soluble fibres that help delay sugar absorption, allowing you to feel fuller longer. Dietary fibre is also known to decrease blood cholesterol. Whole grains also contain B vitamins such as Niacin and Thiamin, and Seeds contain vitamin B6. B vitmains act as enzymes in the body to help with metabolism of nutrients.

Safe to say, this bread has so much packed into such a small package, and is super delicious with a lovely crumb. Enjoy it toasted with butter, coconut oil, or avocado spread on top!

*Makes 2 small loaves


2 tbsp coconut sugar (or maple syrup or honey)

1 3/4 cup warm water

1 tsp active dry yeast

3 cups whole wheat bread flour

1 cup rolled oats + 1 tbsp for topping

2 tbsp hemp hearts + 1 tsp for topping

2 tbsp sunflower seeds +1 tsp for topping

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds +1 tsp for topping

2 tsp psyllium husk (or flaxseed or chia)

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp salt

1 small egg or 2 tbsp plant-based milk (for topping)

Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar and wait ten minutes until it is frothy to ensure it’s active. If you already know your yeast is active, there’s no need to wait 10 minutes.

Combine all the ingredients with the water, sugar, and yeast and stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until a shaggy dough forms. Now use your hands and knead it into a ball, making sure there are no more dry spots. Cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm spot for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, knead dough for 8-10 minutes. If the dough gets sticky, sprinkle more whole wheat flour over it and continue to knead. Form dough into a ball and let rest in a covered bowl 45 minutes to 1 hour (maybe longer), or until just about doubled in size.

Prepare 2 loaf pans with parchment (or just oil them) and preheat oven to 375 F. When the dough has risen, divide into two equal portions and form each into a loaf shape. The dough will deflate here, that’s okay. Place the loaves into each of the prepared pans and cover. Let rest until just about doubled in size again, 45 minutes to an hour.

Prepare topping by combining the pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp hearts and oats in a small bowl and set aside. Beat egg (if using) and set aside.

Brush the top of each loaf with either egg or plant-based milk and sprinkle on the seed and oat topping.

Place loaf pans into the oven on the middle rack. Bake for 45 minutes total, rotating them after 30 minutes.

Remove from loaf pans immediately and let cool completely on a wire rack before slicing. Enjoy!